Bruker D8 Discover with Cu K-alpha-1 radiation selected by a Ge (111) Johanssen monochromator. Lynxeye detector. 90 position sample changer.
Tool name: Routine Powder Diffraction
Category: Characterization
Manufacturer: Bruker AXS
Model: D8 Discover
Tool rate: A
- Routine “fingerprint” analysis of powders, pellets and thin films
- Quantitative analysis and analysis of impurities
- Determination of precise crystal lattice parameters
- Analysis of peak shapes for crystallite size, strain and defect structure
- Detailed analysis of materials with known or partially known structures (lattice parameters, bond lengths and angles, thermal parameters)
- Completion of partially solved structures
- Structure solution
- Reflection plate sample holders (transmission films also possible but requires change of setup)
- Suppression of fluorescence from Mn and Fe based samples with energy selective LynxEye detector
- Co fluorescence
- Preferred orientation