Bruker D8 A25 powder diffractometer with Mo radiation and focusing mirror optics. Eiger2 R 500k 2D area detector. Sample camera and double laser alignment system.
Sample stages available:
- Standard sample stage (no rotation)
- Flipstick 9 position sample changer
- Anton Paar HTK1200 furnace (flat/capillary sample holders), Temperature range 25 -1200 deg C
- Capillary spinner
- Automated XYZ stage
Tool name: Multi Purpose Powder X-ray Diffraction
Tool ID: RECX-2
Category: Characterization
Manufacturer: Bruker AXS
Model: D8-A25
Tool rate: C
- Determination of precise crystal lattice parameters
- Detailed analysis of materials with known or partially known structures (lattice parameters, bond lengths and angles, thermal parameters)
- Completion of partially solved structures
- Elimination of preferred orientation
- Suppression of fluorescence from Co, Mn and Fe based samples thanks to Mo radiation
- XRD at high T (up to 1200 °C) in air or vacuum
- Spatially resolved measurements on large samples
- Pair distribution functions (total scattering analysis)
- Adsorbing samples in transmission
- In situ studies of solid/gas reactions in flow cell
- In situ studies on batteries
- Capillary and reflection plate sample holders. Other sample shapes can be accommodated using the XYZ stage
- High d-spacing materials (e.g. large pore zeolites, MOFs)- the low angle peaks may be missed due to the short wavelength