PanAlytical Empyrean diffractometer with Cu radiation. PixCel 2×2 and scintillation counter detectors. Many dedicated optical options for high resolution thin film studies. An Anton Paar DHS 1100 heating stage is available.
Primary optics:
- Parallel beam mirror
- Hybrid monochromator
- Bartels monochromator
- X-ray lens
Secondary optics:
- Parallel plate collimator
- Secondary monochromator
Sample stages:
- 3-axis cradle
Tool name: Thin Film XRD
Tool ID: RECX-3
Category: Characterization
Manufacturer: Panalytical
Model: Empyrean
Tool rate: C
- Grazing incidence XRD to reveal the structure of very thin films
- X-ray reflectometry to analyse film thickness, density and composition
- Experiments at high temperature (up to….) in air or vacuum
- Studies of orientation and detailed structure of epitaxial samples
- Strain measurements in films
- Mapping of reciprocal space to give information about film orientation etc
- Fluorescent samples containing Fe, Mn, Co